Correlation, which can be conducted with SPSS help, is mainly the power of association between the variables. In the dissertation, the researchers try to analyse the interlink between the variable in order to fulfil the research aim through critical discussion and data evaluation. The researchers try to gather a vast range of data and valid information, which are in numeric form to conduct statistical analysis of Correlation. After gathering the data, they try to sort it out and manage the data efficiently for further critical analysis. In the dissertation, some of the researchers or data analysts choose descriptive statistics for representing the data and conducting critical analysis. In this context, the researchers are trying to analyse the data through graphical representation, like tables, graphs, charts etc.
Graphical representation of data & Correlation analysis
The researchers mainly use scatterplots for representing the data and analysing Correlation efficiently. A scatterplot shows the relationships between the two quantitative variables measured for the same individuals. The value of one variable appears on the horizontal axis and the value of another variable appears on the vertical axis. Two variables must be chosen efficiently, one is independent and another is the dependent variable in the data set so that it is possible for the researchers to analyse the effects of the independent variables on the dependent one. A scatter diagram is one of the effective tools for representing the data and analysing the association among the variables. The researchers try to plot the numerical data in the scatter plot by dots to analyse the interlink between the variables. The scatter diagram is the simplest form to study the correlation between the variables. After determining how they are related, the researchers also can predict the behaviour of the dependent variables, which are based on the independent variables. A scatter chart is a useful way when one variable is measurable and another is not. Hence, if the researchers can find the value of one variable, the value of other variables can also be found efficiently through correlation analysis.
For example, if the researchers try to analyse the accident patterns on a highway, they can select two variables, one is motor speed and another is the number of accidents for drawing the diagram efficiently. In most of the axes, the independent variables are plotted along the horizontal axis which is known as the X-axis. On the other hand, the dependent variables are plotted on the vertical axis, named the Y-axis. The independent variables are control parameter as it influences the behaviour of the dependent variable. Three types of scatter diagrams are such as no correlation, moderate correlation and strong correlation.
The scatter diagram with no correlation is explained below, in which the dots are not correlated with each other and thus it can be stated that there is no such association between the variables.
The scatter diagram with moderate correlation is represented below,
The scatter diagram with strong correlation is explained as,
When there is a strong correlation, there would be a straight line where the dependent and independent variables are highly correlated with each other. On the other hand, in the case of the correlation coefficient, a scatter diagram is also effective to find the association. The types of correlation, in this case, are positive, negative and zero correlation. The positive correlation can be represented in scatter plots like,
The negative correlation is being represented as,
In the positive correlation, the scatter plot explains that the variables are moving towards the sale direction. If one variable increases, it will affect positively the other variables. There is a strong positive correlation found between the variables. On the other hand, if there is a negative correlation, the variables are negatively corrected with each other. It means that, if one variable increases in the data set, the other variable will decrease. Hence, through the diagram, it is possible for the researchers to plot the numerical values of the gathered data and analyse the correlation through a scatter diagram. There is also no correlation, in which, the variables are not correlated with each other. Hereby, the diagrams are effective for easy representation of the data, where the data can be represented graphically for better understanding. For analysing correlation, the scatter plot is being utilised widely by researchers and data analysts to conduct SPSS data analysis. In order to conduct descriptive statistical analysis, the use of scatter plots is effective to represent the numerical data in a systematic way. A Scatter diagram is hereby beneficial for the data analysts or the researchers to show the relationship between the two variables in the particular data set and it is the best method to show the non-linear pattern in the data. The range of the data flow like the maximum and minimum value of the particular data is also determined through the scatter diagram. The pattern of the scatter diagram is easy to observe and plotting the diagram is also simple where all the researchers and data analysts can use the scatter diagram easily for further data interpretation and critical evaluation.
Hereby, the scatter plot is useful in determining the association between the variables in a particular data set. The relationship can be between two cases or a cause and effect. The two independent variables can be plotted in the scatter diagram. On the other hand, the researchers can determine the dependent variables and independent variables in the data set for representing the data in the scatter diagram in order to analyse cause and effects. The scatter diagram can be positive, negative or no correlation at all. The first variable is independent and the second variable is considered a dependent variable. The independent variables are plotted on the X-axis and on the other hand, the numerical data of the dependent variables are plotted on the Y-axis for analysing the interlink between the two variables in the data set. In order to analyse the pattern of the relationship, the researchers can change the independent variables and monitor the changes in the dependent one through the scatter diagram. Hence, the scatter diagram is an effective way to represent the gathered numerical data and analyse the relationship between the two variables.